To those that may be worried at such additions, they, in port-royal's hands, are now inseparable components with the band's already signature blend of post-rock, dream-pop and dance music.

Such elements are present in the pop shimmer of tracks like "Death of a Manifesto" and "Alma M." to the more muscular almost industrialized beat mangling included in select sections of "Karl Marx Song" and "Theodor W. Lost Frequencies konnte in diesem Jahr durch die Veröffentlichung eines Radiohits auf sich aufmerksam machen. I hope thus posts helps yall if you need it. You are not behind on anything, you are absolutely on track.
Where Are You Now spans the six year gap effortlessly with the band's familiar and reoccurring themes ever looming while adding newer complimentary components to their soaring tapestries. Where Are You Now - Kreative Dance-Pop-Single für die Radios. Maybe you took the minimum course load to work, maybe you had to learn how to study after not doing great in high-school, maybe you took a semester off for mental health. That old adage that good things come to those who wait has never been more true. I need you, I need you, I need you, I need you I need you, I need you, I need you, I need you I need you, I need you I need you the most.

We now know that they've been very hard at work.
It's been nearly six years since their previous full length Dying in Time (n5MD) and not counting compilation appearances, remix and rarities anthology 2011s 2000-2010: The Golden Age Of Consumerism (n5MD) and the Diamat album that port-royal architect Attilio Bruzzone orchestrated in 2013 port-royal has appeared somehow eerily silent. Where Are You Now is the fourth proper album from Italian widescreen dancegaze trio port-royal. Lost Frequencies said about 'Where Are You Now', 'Im super excited to share this new single in collaboration with Calum Scott.